
I received a basic technical eduction in construction and car mechanics and I have two brothers, one architect and the other engineer. This explains I think the technical part of my artwork. I have always been interested in modern architecture. I love for instance the work of Rietveld, the Frieder-Burda museum in Baden-Baden, Germany by Richard Meier, Salle Aubette by Theo van Doesburg (De Stijl), the Bauhaus mouvement.


Rietveld-Schröder house, Utrecht, NL

Bauhaus, Dessau, D

Ballroom and cinema Aubette, Theo van Doesburg, Strasbourg, F

When it comes to paintings I'm attracted the work of Mondriaan, the mathematical paintings of Vasarely. I was seduced some time ago by an exhibition in the museum of fine arts in Québec, Canada covering local plasticiens from the 1950's and 1960's like: Fernand Leduc, Guido Molinari, Yves Gaucher et Denis Juneau.


Piet Mondriaan

Victor Vasarely

Denis Juneau

To what extent is the artist under influence of work from other artists?
That is a big question. I would say that it is often inevitable. I created an assembly in July 2013 titled "Mondrianisation" where the influence is very clear, yet I consider it as quite original. Perhaps I should simply let you judge and search for yourself. Most of the time the influences work at the background and in the subconscience of the artist. I think you can't fight against it.